Sunday, July 5, 2009

Preface - Part II

Did I move even an inch towards the “ought to do’s” I had emphasized in the last episode of my Journalistic musings ? What happened to the opportunity for consistency in the modus operandi of my existence? Did the little life analysis I did about three nights ago help at all? Looking at the way things had shaped up so far, it certainly didn’t seem so. I had even come back to the self analysis mood only after a gap of two extra days.

Was I ever going to achieve any better control over my life? Would I always continue to exist with the choices thrust upon me by life’s circumstances or will I ever be able to live with my own conscious choices? I experienced yet another sense of lost control this time when I came to know that I had to spend a substantial part of my salary to pay off car fines incurred mostly due to my ignorance in topping up my toll account over the last fortnight. It could well be the beginning of financial manifestations of my lack of control. I guessed at least for now the best thing would be to take this as one more occasion of learning for future application.

Future, when does it become the present? How much time does it take to get there? I just saw this news item on TV where a youngster in Delhi met with a potentially fatal road accident in which metal from a road-side barricade pierced though his body just below the chest and passed out from the other side damaging his lungs and liver. He was going back home after a long and grueling day at work, probably in too much of a hurry. Miraculously, the doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences hospital managed to save his life after a three hour long surgery the victim had to put up with in a sitting position. The sudden nature of this incident immediately declared to me that future is here, future is now. There is really an extremely thin line between the present and the future. And that line can sometimes be crossed in a millisecond without even an iota of effort. Deepak Chopra derives his theory of time & space from the convergence of ancient vedic wisdom with principles of particle physics in his book, “Life after Death”,

                        “In the twentieth century Western science came to understand that all solid objects are actually made of invisible vibrations .......
                         …… (as per vedas) different planes of existence represent different frequencies of consciousness. The world of physical matter is just one expression of a particular frequency ......
                        …… (as per physics) we measure outside events using the inner clock of the brain. Our bodies experience time because of atomic level vibrations in the organic chemicals that form our brain. A snail’s brain clicks so slowly that it takes five seconds before one event passes and a new one appears. In those five seconds you could pick up a snail and move it ten feet, and to the snail it would appear that he had teleported through space.”

Impressed, I concluded if Time was merely a manifestation of the physical world we were in, why couldn’t I control time to achieve the physical world’s “ought to do’s”?

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